I've had the pleasure of being an OSS contributor to IPFS since 2016, helping launch the Filecoin mainnet in 2020, starting the PL Venture Studio in 2023, and working in web3 full-time since 2018. Over the years, I've had the opportunity to do many things!
Protocol Labs: Booted and led the PL EngRes WG, scaled the engineering & research org at PL to >200 brilliant humans, created PL Launchpad to accelerate Web3 knowledge, connections & learning, and founded the PL Venture Studio (PLVS) launching new startups, public goods projects, and research breakthroughs into the PL network.
Filecoin: Helped lead Filecoin mainnet launch in 2020, scaled Filecoin engineering & research talent across 40+ teams, CEO at FilOz, and Founding Partner at PL Filecoin Impact Fund - helping scale and fuel innovation in the Filecoin network. Want to build digital human rights? Come to my Office Hours!
IPFS: Project Lead for the IPFS Project, supported 4K+ OSS contributors & >100 IPFS-powered projects with millions of monthly active users, started the Local Offline Collaboration Working Group, designed the first IPFS Project Roadmap, and PM'd the go-ipfs working group (now Kubo).
Before joining Protocol Labs, I spent 5 years as a Product Manager (APM) at Google. In that time I worked on Chrome NaCl, Google Classroom, Google Forms, and finally mobile Search.
Outside work, I enjoy reading (recent favorites include The Bobiverse Series, Factfulness and The Smartest Kids in the World), listening to podcasts, hiking, writing, and learning about math, physics, and the cosmos (highly recommend 3blue1brown, PBS Space Time, and history of the entire world, i guess). I also published a short book about my time spent living in NYC called Goodbye To All That, inspired by Joan Didion.
My mission is to accelerate learning by building tools to grow & preserve human knowledge. If you are passionate about education, technology, or big ideas to make the world a better place, feel free to drop me a note or check out what I have to say on Twitter.